Health & Wellness

We are initiating Strategies to focus on the UNSDGs Guide: #Envision2030 Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being as our premier activation plan for 2023

We are giving back through Advocacy & Intervention For Health, Nutrition, Wellness & Social Good

BIGAiD Foundation is a non-profit organization that promotes the advancement of health, nutrition, well-being, and social good. Our goal is to enable individuals, families, and communities to meet the global UNSDGs 2030 by improving our world and ensuring health and well-being for all to enjoy healthy and satisfying lives through advocacy, education, and intervention.

How it works

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Our Advocacy Strategy

We advocate for policies and programs that promote health, nutrition, and well-being, as well as policies and programs that address social challenges such as poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation. We collaborate with government officials, politicians, and other stakeholders to design and implement community-changing programs and sustainable campaigns.

Our Interventions

We offer intervention services to people and families that require assistance in achieving improved health and wellness results. Health screenings, dietary education, and access to health care services are among our intervention aid services.

Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Drive

Our foundation is dedicated to promoting health, nutrition, and well-being for everyone. We provide knowledge and tools to help individuals make educated health and well-being decisions. We also push for policies and initiatives that promote physical activity and expand access to healthy foods.

Social Good

At BIG Aid, we are committed to fostering social good in our neighborhoods. We think that everyone, regardless of financial situation, deserves the chance to live a fulfilled life. We seek to solve social challenges including poverty and inequality, by pushing advocacies and initiatives that bring about constructive change.

BIGAiD is dedicated to promoting health, nutrition, well-being, and social good in our communities. We think that by working together, we can build a world where everyone has the chance to enjoy a healthy and full life. Contact us today to find out how you can get involved and support the goal.

What we need & Volunteering


If you have specialized skills or expertise, consider offering pro bono services by sharing your knowledge and abilities, you are the one we are looking for, such as medical doctors, laboratory scientists, health and gym instructors, trainers, Human Capacity development builders, Funding, etc.

To learn more about the available volunteer opportunities, visit our volunteering link on our website or get in touch with us.


Financial contributions are essential to the success of our projects and services. Through our website or by getting in touch with us personally, you may make a one-time gift or set up regular donations. Donations in kind are also welcome, including those of clothing, food, books, office supplies, or equipment. Get in touch with us to find out more about our needs right now and how you can help.


There are other options to support certain initiatives, activities, or events. By becoming a sponsor, you can enable us to reach more people and make a real difference in the area we serve. To discuss possible sponsorship opportunities, get in touch with us.

Corporate Collaborations:

We are open to possible corporate partnerships with your firm or organization. We can collaborate to establish profitable partnerships that support your corporate social responsibility goals.

Events for Fundraising:

Participate in or plan fundraisers for our NGO. Through these activities, we are able to engage with stakeholders and spread the word about our goal while also raising money.

Partner With Us!

Corporate Partnerships

These are significant facts and benefits connected with partnering with BIGAiD as a company or an organization. Here are the Top Five;

1. Accountability

We are committed to being open and honest about every aspect of what we do, with all the people we work with.

We are ever conscious of the fact that funding for the implementation of programs is made available to us at some opportunity cost.

2. Impact

We work with centers, cities, and communities to address their most pressing needs in the areas we operate and then advocate and intervene accordingly. We also build capacities to successfully engage relevant government organizations or authorities to ensure the sustainability of our interventions.

3. Brand Loyalty
Partnership with BIGAiD presents a great and unique opportunity to demonstrate commitment to corporate social responsibility, boost staff morale, and increase customer loyalty and understanding. Depending on the value of the partnership, benefits may also include rights to property marks and our logo.
4. Market Penetration
Because we work with both high-end societies and lower areas excluded and difficult-to-reach communities in Nigeria, and building a global market presence through a massive digital platform that will serve the interest of global communities, partnering with BIGAiD offers tremendous opportunities to deepen the brand spread and penetration of your products and service globally.
5. Passionate Commitment

Your Brand or organization will be having the opportunity to make meaningful and measurable changes in the health & Wellness of millions in Nigeria and the world.

Ways You Can Partner with Us

Direct Community Investment 

Contributions to BIGAiD support our efficient and effective battle on poverty, health & wellness programs. We also offer focused community investment funds.

Workplace Campaigns 

Start a workplace fundraiser to raise money for a cause that you care about the most. Workplace fundraising campaigns bring employees together.

Group Volunteering Opportunities

For a sponsorship fee, BIGAiD will create a customized volunteer event for your specific organization.

Pro-Bono Contributions

Interested corporate pro-bono leads partners with a program or operation area they care about and use their professional skills to make a difference.

Cause Marketing  

We work with corporations on regional cause marketing programs to benefit the most vulnerable individuals and communities.

Product Donations

Looking to donate tech products or equipment? Medicare or other needed items, individuals and communities or agencies we support are always looking for laptops, tablets, licenses, etc.

Interested? Let’s connect and set up a discovery call.  Contact Our Business Development Team

I Am Interested In Group Volunteer Opportunities Development

One Goal - One Mission - Saving Lives…

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We Are Unleashing The Power to Health &
Wellness through the BIGAiD Web & Mobile App, transforming lives

– Bridging the Healthcare Gap at Your Fingertips

Coming Soon On Google Store & Playstore

Upcoming Events

Management Team

Charles C. Nicholas Instagram: @iambrandcharley

Engr Emmanuel Jonah

Barrister Mrs. Mfrekemfon Charles Nicholas

Barrister Dickson Omaiye

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